Calibrating interstellar engines...
Assembling navigation routes..
Aligning orbital trajectories...
Securing payload...
All systems go!
Launch sequence initiated.
Mission ready. Counting down...
Calibrating interstellar engines...
0.67416° N, 23.47314° E

Backing breakthrough projects and the most ambitious founders on Solana  ecosystem with design, mentorship and strategy


The future of blockchain is fast, scalable, and built on Solana; it isn't just part of the future–it's helping shape it. With its growing builders and supporters, we have been helping communities, early teams, and companies building on Solana to build the next-generation of internet companies.

A Creative Journey With Solana

Over the last year, we have worked with founders, early stage teams, and communities on Solana through design, mentorship, and strategic support—the community that beats as the very heart of Solana, fostering collaboration and driving people on-ramp.

Explore our work below and discover how we have helped promising projects on Solana.

Ecosystem Hype Videos

Capturing The Contagious Energy in Action

Superteam's ecosystem calls have become a cornerstone of the Solana ecosystem, bringing together innovators and enthusiasts by spotlighting projects, builders, and the latest developments in the Solana world. To capture the energy of these calls and attract wider participation, we help create hype videos, 3D videos, and more for Superteam, a powerful introduction, showcasing the diversity of projects, passion of the community, and the contagious spirit that keeps the community going.

Summer Tour Germany Video

Rewinding To The Best Of German Summer of ‘24

Superteam Germany's Summer Tour 2024 blazed through the country which we tried to capture through a high-energy recap video, showcasing the vibrant meetups that brought together Solana enthusiasts, builders, and visionaries. Across 9 cities through 14 days, and pulsating with Solana energy, the video came out as a celebration of Superteam's growing influence and the thriving Solana ecosystem in Germany.

KAST Finance Video

The Card That Lets You Spend Crypto Like Fiat

Kast Finance is a card that allows users to spend crypto (and stablecoins) like fiat across 100+ countries. Kast is redefining banking with a stablecoin-first approach with a team with prior experience in stablecoins, crypto and finance.

We helped the team create an video introducing their virtual card and its ultimate offerings to the world. The idea stemmed from their vision of breaking down the barriers to crypto adoption by making it convenient, fast, and borderless.


An Off-Site Mentorship To Turn Ideas Viable For Hyperdrive Hackathon

Nestled in the tranquil hills of Dharamshala, we helped 12 early stage builders and teams hone their hackathon ideas and curate them into pitch decks for Solana Hyperdrive, a global hackathon. Recognizing the broader need, we crafted a pitch deck template for Superteam hackers worldwide, sharing it with the entire community. For the off-site dozen, we conducted intensive brainstorming sessions, pitch deck guidelines and hands-on design and content support right up to the submission deadline. The reward? Two promising teams scored big, earning recognition and prizes at the hackathon.


To Build Crypto's Next
Breakout Startup

Our team partnered to create collaterals for Renaissance, a global Solana hack, and help five versatile projects with their pitch deck. We focused on refining their pitch decks, honing both design and narrative and the targeted assistance paid off, all five teams we helped received positions or mentions in the hackathon.

Cash Landing

Branding a Global Event With Local Flair

Our next collaboration was Cash Landing, a global event to help people earn their crypto with Superteam Earn. The result was a brand and design system scalable across 25+ countries, the face of earning your crypto. We helped Superteam brand the global event and craft an experience that feels approachable and exciting through nomenclature, branding, and event programming.


Read the whole story behind Cash Landing

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The First Brick & Mortar Home For Superteam

After four years of the online community innovating tirelessly, Superteam set up it’s first anchor, an IRL co-working space, for builders, Shipyard. We had the challenge to create physical event collaterals to welcome those who ship, in 24 hours. We helped the team with banners, standees, stickers, and more to celebrate this new phase.

Undeads: Collaborating for the Future

An Eternal Proof of Art, Crypto & Resilience

While the world is ready to believe that NFTs are dead, Crypto Undeads stands as a testament to the best of art, technology, and fun; this collaboration is our step into the future with Solana. Undeads wanted to bring this resilience and pride in standing by what they believe in, despite market cycles through their branding and we gladly delivered. With a logo that is simple, recognizable and aligns with the NFT project’s art style, and refreshing color palette we helped them showcase to the world that art outlives us all, even if thought dead.

We help promising startups
building on Solana



DeCharge, the innovative portable EV charging solution, has become a standout success story in Solana's ecosystem.

We've had the privilege of supporting their journey, first by crafting their pitch deck for the Renaissance hackathon, where they secured an impressive second place, and winning the hackathon lead to joining the Colosseum accelerator. As DeCharge's impact grew, powering the EV revolution, we assisted them again with a refined, confident pitch for the accelerator.

Now, DeCharge team is one of the first teams working out of Solana’s first IRL co-working space and charging the Bangalore EV scene, eyeing their next milestone.

Active location
in pipeline for 2024
Over subscription
on pre-launch offer

Our collaborative journey with projects on Solana has been a wild ride—it's been a shared vision. From helping underdogs to partnering with the big players, we're all in on our collective faith in the ecosystem's future. As we continue to support and grow alongside these creative ones, we're increasingly confident that together, we're building a vibrant, accessible, and brighter-than-the-sun landscape.