Calibrating interstellar engines...
Assembling navigation routes..
Aligning orbital trajectories...
Securing payload...
All systems go!
Launch sequence initiated.
Mission ready. Counting down...
Calibrating interstellar engines...
0.67416° N, 23.47314° E


InducedAI is an AI-powered platform revolutionizing workflow management with human-like reasoning.

Web Design

InducedAI is an AI-powered automation platform democratizing the access to advanced workflow management. In a world where the automation scenario has been limited by integrations and platforms, Induced AI’s browser-integrated AI agent ushers in a new era of AI agents revolutionizing the way we work, delegate repetitive tasks, and manage our most important currency: time.

Induced AI performs tasks like a human - handling non-deterministic workflows, departing from conventional RPA software. Founded by Aryan Sharma and Ayush Pathak and backed by Sam Altman and Balaji Srinivas, the startup aims to make automation accessible and advanced. We helped them in designing and developing their first landing page to introduce themselves to the world for the first time.

Designing for Limitlessness

InducedAI* unique selling proposition lies in its boundless possibilities, the intrigue of the future, and the realization of your imagination. What face do you put to limitlessness?

We began by giving an abstract face to the future with our RPA software. We used diffused backgrounds to represent dynamism, rounded shapes for an inviting interface, and a welcoming platform. Additionally, we designed a dark mode website, a favorite among tech circles. To enhance the user experience, we added motion design throughout the website to visualize how it performs tasks like a human—handling non-deterministic workflows with ease.

The Next Generation of
Actionable AI

Web3 Projects

At Spacekayak, we're thrilled to see Induced raise $2.3 million in seed funding. This isn't just a testament to their ingenuity but also a nod to the belief we've always had in their mission. With ideas like Induced, we're bullish about future innovation and AI's endless possibilities. We remain committed to creatively backing ideas that change the world, and we eagerly look forward to what InducedAI achieves next.