Calibrating interstellar engines...
Assembling navigation routes..
Aligning orbital trajectories...
Securing payload...
All systems go!
Launch sequence initiated.
Mission ready. Counting down...
Calibrating interstellar engines...
0.67416° N, 23.47314° E


Elevating brand identity to mirror cutting-edge innovation in AI-driven identity verification

Branding and Web Design

Hyperverge is one of the top B2B SaaS companies offering AI-driven identity (KYC) and business verification (KYB) solutions. Dominating the APAC market, they serve sectors like Fintech, Insurance, and EdTech across 195+ countries and their AI is adept at handling diverse facial and ID formats.

Our design team immersed themselves in the world of Hyperverge, spending three weeks at their Bangalore office. We collaborated closely with the founders to support their powerful idea with a rebrand strategy reflected in their website, positioning them as efficient, credible and the obvious choice for businesses.

From Palette to Personality

Trust and responsiveness are qualities central to Hyperverge's brand personality and our choice of Blue as the primary colour embodies it perfectly. The colour palette was designed around a double split complimentary harmony, with blue taking center stage. In typography, we selected Lato for its blend of sharp and soft edges, mirroring Hyperverge's cutting-edge technology and friendliness at the same time.

Faces of Trust

In the world of Identity verification, establishing trust in paramount. To emphasize trust and transparency, we integrated real human faces into our design. These genuine visuals serve as a testament to HyperVerge's commitment to authenticity and transparency.

Hyperverge's Global Footprint

Spacekayak helped bring Hyperverge's mission to life through our design which has fortified Hyperverge's position as a trusted leader in identity verification across the globe. With a presence in 195+ countries, they've onboarded over 700 million identities, streamlining user verification and fraud prevention for businesses.

Identities Created
Countries Operating
KYCs Per Day